When I was little, I loved it when my mom read fairy-tales to me in my bed. Perhaps all children then were like me. But today it?s different. Parents do not have time for evening stories and prefer to let the child play a computer game with shooting robots for instance.
As a mother, I firmly decided to uproot this principle, at least in my family. My son is 6 years old and at one moment he was very interested in computer games. And the books, unfortunately, were something alien to him.
Then I started buying children’s adventure books in an attempt to awaken his interest. Tales of the Grimm Brothers definitely grabbed him. Every night I spent half an hour to read to him before sleep and I noticed that it amuses him a lot. So I began buying more and more children’s books and I started reading more books myself.
That is how I understood that I am not the only mother who has set the utopian goal to educate her child with a book, instead with a computer game. Many parents are moving back to the old, well-known method and it makes me happy. This is evident from the sales of books for kids, as the CEO of the publishing house New Media Group -Svetlio Kantardzhiev said in an interview.
I said that it makes me happy because I think there is still a chance to educate a child in the right way – so as to develop their imagination. Because it is much easier to let the kid watch cartoons and play PC
games, but this way we might kill everything beautiful and childish in his mind, which will not develop as much as it will, if the books provoked it.
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